/manager/Index ${session.getAttribute("locale")} 5 Square-free rank of integers /manager/Repository/uon:41366 3a2 2 > · · · > pka2 k with pi(ai + 1)2 > 2a21for 1 < i < k, and the corresponding sequences in which all the inequalities are reversed and {equation presented}. We show that (3n2 | n ∈ N) has no member in the interval [2a2,2(a+ 1)2] with a ∈ N if and only if a is in the Beatty sequence ([n (3 + √6)] | n ∈ N); several generalisations are studied. Finally, we study closest linear combinations {equation presented}.]]> Wed 17 Aug 2022 15:35:48 AEST ]]> Runs of integers with equally many distinct prime factors /manager/Repository/uon:11712 Wed 11 Apr 2018 12:05:04 AEST ]]>